Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Whenever I interact with otherwise smart people who think NFTs are dumb I think of this quote: ā€œA foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little mindsā€
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šŸŽ© MxVoid šŸŽ© pfp
šŸŽ© MxVoid šŸŽ©
Iā€™m just so tired of The Discourse around NFTs. Iā€™m just trying to share my art, maintain a digital archive of it, and occasionally get paid for it through a permissionless, decentralized system of exchange. But nooooo, they gotta bring up BAYC and ā€œoverpriced monkey JPEGsā€ every time. Every. Frickinā€™. Time.
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šŸŽ© MxVoid šŸŽ© pfp
šŸŽ© MxVoid šŸŽ©
(And theyā€™re not even JPEGs. Theyā€™re PNGs.)
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