Ben Adamsky pfp
Ben Adamsky
One thing that bothers me excessively on warpcast mobile is on multi-image casts you can’t swipe left + right between them like you can on the bird app 😣
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Ben Adamsky pfp
Ben Adamsky
Wondering if anyone else notices minor UX flaws on FC apps that irritates the hell out of them even though it shouldn’t
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Max Jackson ✨🎩 pfp
Max Jackson ✨🎩
I mean I think if it makes you that mad, you need a phone detox 😅 but yes I noticed that! And a few other bugs. You know which one annoys me the most? The share button an NFT doesn't work. I just keep tapping in hopes to copy a link, but nope!
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Ben Adamsky pfp
Ben Adamsky
I’m obviously exaggerating but as a FE dev any UX issues stick out like a sore thumb I think I’ve noticed that bug too actually. Lots of super cool integrations with NFTs but a lot of the mint / share functionality seems finicky
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