Mr. Fox pfp

Mr. Fox


110 Following

Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Minted boss
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Where is the Coinbase App at with Web2 normies being able to interact with dApps / NFT mints on Base with ease? As in the UX is basic and they don’t need a PhD in Comp Sci to load up a wallet and mint an open edition. Any updates on this front?
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
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2 reactions

Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Sick setup!
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Love it!
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Need to watch this
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Still gotta watch
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Thanks for the help!
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Glad you enjoyed! You should check out more of Lanthimos’ work as you seem to like it.
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
“Skin in the game” to me is being 21 at one of the best business schools in America and taking no finance/consulting internships and instead working at 3 different consumer crypto companies. I’m at the end of my junior year so no turning back now!
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
We gotta get a receny bias adjustment going on Letterboxd. Seeminly any new, very popular movie with decent filmmaking achieves incredibly inflated scores. Dune 2 as the 15th highest-rated film of all-time is absurd regardless of what you think of the movie.
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Accurate. The movie blows
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
What might it be comparable to?
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Agreed I think he's got some decent chops. His massive frame definitely limits what he can play though. Thought he was good in The Suicide Squad. Good to have another Greek here in /screens btw
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
I still haven't watched a Verhoeven. Which by him is your favorite?
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Been loving the posts from you in this channel
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Enjoyed the first two seasons but found the third to be unwatchable
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Mr. Fox pfp
Mr. Fox
Underrated opinion. Great soundtrack
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