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Jacek 🎩 pfp
Jacek 🎩
Gm, Degens. Almost 24 hours after the official launch, we've reached a market cap of $780k, with $62k locked and loaded in the liquidity pool. We now have 707 token holders, and over two-thirds eligible for the $DEGEN airdrop have claimed it. Thanks to everyone who participated! πŸ™
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mraz125.βŒβ—¨-β—¨ 🎩✈️ pfp
mraz125.βŒβ—¨-β—¨ 🎩✈️
Keep going!! 🀝🫑
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Jacek 🎩 pfp
Jacek 🎩
Working hard behind the scenes to keep things going! πŸš€
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