Alyna pfp



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Alyna pfp
@movewithalyna Very excited to announce the release of my guest appearance on “The Delta”. Kevin Coale is a wonderful host, coach and public speaker. Enjoy and let me know if you found it helpful in any way!
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Alyna pfp
One of my favourite posterior chain exercises 😍 The Roman Chair back Hip extension It’s so important we train our spine in extension and flexion (in the lateral and sagittal plane) - making sure we start small and progressively load. Doing this will your glutes directly target the erector spinae muscles. Make sure you get help from a qualified profession before trying this yourself, defo do NOT load this until you have built up tolerance.
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Alyna pfp
Pretty sure the pink plates and tape made me lift better 🤩 Happy with my Clean and Jerk session at @ontrackgym today 🏋🏽‍♀️ considering I missed last week’s. Tall clean 3x5 (20-25kg) Clean 4x3 (50-55kg) 3 part pause split Jerk 5x2 (ended on 52kg) For anyone wondering, I am actually not made for this sport and have incredibly long limbs in comparison to my torso… but we make it work 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Alyna pfp
Holiday lifting 🏋🏽‍♀️ doubles
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Alyna pfp
Touch and goes are one of the best ways to improve your jerks because you HAVE to get your feet and bar pathway so right - or else the other reps are NOT happening Here I’m doing a push press and split jerk complex (harder than it looks !)
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Alyna pfp
First workout of the year ! #2025 Was a nice easy bodybuilding sesh… because yes it was a late one last night. Would have done some Oly lifting but no 15kg bar or places to drop so oh well! You just gotta do what you can, but incredible array of equipment for bodybuilding and accessory work 👏🏼 Did you guys get some activites in today ?
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Alyna pfp
Happy New Years from Bangkok 🇹🇭🎆🎇 Wishing you all great things for 2025. Always an exciting time to turn a new page and set new goals 🖋️ Love Alyna x
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Alyna pfp
Do you incorporate plyometrics in your training ? Doing stuff like this will work on your Achilles tendon (stiffen it) so you can be more explosive, jump higher, run faster etc. Just like anything new, it’s got to be done gradually and progressively over time…. So be patience 🙏🏽 quality over quantity.
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Alyna pfp
The majority of my training consists of a lot of yang energy, so I make sure to balance it out with my version of yin like energy. It may not seem like it but I’m quite a yogi too. During lockdown I was doing 90 mins almost everyday, and then actually qualified with a yoga sports science cert! (Included a 200hr YTT). I truly find it grounding and as a form of moving meditation where I can go with the flow or how I feel; rather than my usual training where I quite strictly follow a programme. Make sure you find your yin for your Yang ☯️
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Alyna pfp
Happy Boxing Day 🎁 Workout fueled by Christmas dinner. First crossfit class in a LONG time. 1 power clean 1 Front squat 1 Push Press 1 back squat 1 behind the neck push press 7 sets (apparently) unbroken, 5 rounds of them for 20 mins Good to be back at one of the best gyms in BKK though !!!
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Alyna pfp
A lot of people ask me about consistency and how to go about maintaining it. One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to FIND A GOAL. If you’ve nothing specific to train for or follow, then the motivation certainly goes down. You can relate this to all sorts of things in life. So find something to train for like getting your first pull up, being able to squat your weight or to run a 10k. It doesn’t have to be massive, it just has to be relative to how hard you’re willing to work. We all need something SPECIFIC to work towards. A lot of people say longevity… but not a lot of people know what that looks like. Feel free to DM me for ideas of what you could achieve !
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Alyna pfp
Never did I think I’d be here having just joined a week ago ! I’ve already met some wonderful people and the quality of engagement has been fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has engaged and connected with me Am looking forward to sharing more with you all. Particularly @coachcoale @oxb 🙌🏽 more exciting content to come ☺️
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Alyna pfp
Merry Christmas Eve ! A few weeks ago I hosted a clients Xmas drinks and canapés to say thank you for choosing to put your trust in me to help you achieve your goals🙏🏽 Even after all these years, I’m truly grateful for all the opportunities and genuine connections that have come my way. You are who you surround yourself with - so chose them wisely. @oxb is an incredible woman, entrepreneur and mother who I’ve learnt so much from. If you’re not following her, you’re missing out!
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Alyna pfp
Why full body programming may suit you better: 1. We all have busy lives, and not everyone prioritises their workouts. If for whatever reason you miss one of your two days (e.g illness or working overtime), you will be missing a whole muscle group out with it. So better to plan full body sessions so to lessen the imbalance. 2. If you were to do a “Leg day” session, that could be 4-5 lower body exercises in one session. You could be so fatigued by the first 2 exercises that you struggle to keep up the intensity for the next exercises. Try supersetting an upper body move with a lower body one, to allow for more sufficient rest. 3. It’s a bit of a misconception that you need to leave your sessions crawling out to see progress. There are more than enough studies showing that if you spread the same amount of volume over the course of a week you will actually get the same results than squeezing them all into one day. If your DOMS are so bad you’re less likely to perform well the following days.
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Alyna pfp
Struggling with your pistol squat? Make sure you understand these 3 things whilst working towards it… 1. Flexibility and Mobility: Adequate flexibility in your ankles, hips, and hamstrings is necessary to get into the deep squat position without losing balance or falling backward. E.g. Good ankle dorsiflexion, for the working leg to keep balance and allow for depth. Sufficient hamstring flexibility for other leg to remain straight. 2. Single Leg Strength: You need strong quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and core stability to control both the descent and ascent in a pistol squat. The leg doing the squat bears your full body weight, so significant lower body strength is essential. 3. Specific practice: You could have a super heavy back squat but it does necessarily mean you will be able to do a full pistol squat. It is a skill and therefore needs dedicated practice for the mechanics.
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Alyna pfp
Throw back to when I entered a strongman comp and deadlifted 100kg for 13 reps in a minute 💪🏽 (Bodyweight at 57kg) Anyone else got any fitness comps coming up or thinking of entering one ?
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Alyna pfp
For the snatch fans ! Forever working on technique
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Alyna pfp
3 part pause split Jerk for a double 🏋🏽‍♀️ What are your favourite overhead movements ?
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Alyna pfp
Hello! My name’s Alyna and I’ve just joined farcaster. I was introduced by my very good friend @oxb over lunch ! Am very excited to explore this new space and share my journey as a fitness, health and wellness professional. Of course balance is key! P.s It would mean so much if I could join the /fitness channel
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