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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
great parallel by @accountless.eth you shouldn't use the same pw for every account, don't use the same Ethereum address for everything you do onchain
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nkemjika.eth pfp
Man, I need re-education on my onchain habits. How do you advise using accounts? One for public persona, a business/professional one, and a storage one for things of value? And with the public account, use fluid key to generate fresh addresses per need base. Am I correct?
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MetaEnd.degen — ᖽ🎩/dau pfp
MetaEnd.degen — ᖽ🎩/dau
I wonder if there are more ways to add privacy to eth addresses, now that there is a hard suppression by the US 🤔 50 $DEGEN
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