Colin pfp
Gm! Sharing some thoughts on how wallets can improve upon email/OAuth-based user identity, from my experience integrating FC into Paragraph. Full post can be found here: Summarized version attached as a screenshot essay.
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moreReese pfp
Great piece. This especially resonated: "Login with Google, Twitter or Facebook are a few examples of OAuth-based logins that go beyond just an identity - they let 3rd party developers tap into the closed data these companies have (for better or for worse)."
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moreReese pfp
It's analogous to buying alcohol in the US. In order to prove I'm 21, I have to give a stranger a card that tells them my specific DOB, my full name, where I live, how much I weigh, if I'm an organ donor, etc. That's messed up. h/t @owocki
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