jacob pfp
Actual chances aside and hypothetically: how does society respond in the first 1-3 months of confirmed aliens? Feels like there would be a large existential crisis to some extent.
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moreReese pfp
1-3 months sound like chaos. Shortly thereafter, I’d imagine, in the West at least, a reorientation of values as new portals to the collective unconscious are opened https://www.openculture.com/2013/05/carl_jungs_1957_letter_on_the_fascinating_modern_myth_of_ufos.html#google_vignette
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moreReese pfp
I could see this leading to us looking toward new sources of cosmic sense-making individuals in society, many of whom were previously written off as crazy. A sort of neoshamanism
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Alditrus pfp
Jung is the 🐐
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