Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
What’s something you’ve seen (literally, with your eyes) recently that’s made you restless in a fundamentally new and unfamiliar way. Ie not like seeing a new flavor of icecream and being restless to try it. Like a portal into a new world type restlessness. Eg for me is first glimpse of internet.
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moreReese pfp
This morning I was walking in the woods and came across a dead baby deer. Looked like it had been killed the night before but not eaten for whatever reason. I’ve been close to death and dead animals before, but never like that. Something unsettling ab it and a restlessness relating to my own mortality.
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Reminds me of this
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