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Woody pfp
Mastering my album AMA 👇
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moreReese pfp
Nice. Any exciting new kits, plugins, sounds, etc you discovered the making of this album?
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Woody pfp
Using a ton of distortion/saturation. Honestly, I noticed that I needed to use LESS stuff. Seems like I have wayyy too many plugs and sounds lol
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moreReese pfp
Right on. Less is more, as they say. What’s the genre/vibe of the album?
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Woody pfp
Kinda pop but with a hip hop x alt hyper pop inspo 🤙 all instrumental
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moreReese pfp
Hell yea. Maybe I’ll throw a rap down on one of your tracks after you release the album 🤔. Been too long since I’ve recorded vox
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Woody pfp
Would love to collab!
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moreReese pfp
Word. Looking forward to the album release. Here's an EP I did 5ish years ago...should give you a sense of my flows and vibes
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