Molly McCutcheon pfp
Molly McCutcheon
GM 🕊️ 'The Speed Of Light' ...the piece that will serve my first auction happening this Thursday [thread]
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Molly McCutcheon pfp
Molly McCutcheon
this piece was created with charcoal and the reflection of light. Experimentation is an important part of my creativity, it allows me to implement my life experiences and knowledge from an analytical perspective into one flowing, feeling-based process..
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Molly McCutcheon pfp
Molly McCutcheon
fact: at 299,792,458 m/s the speed of light is considered a fundamental constant of nature, the single limiting velocity in the universe.. I wish Einstein was still alive.. I just wanna talk 😔👉👈
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Molly McCutcheon pfp
Molly McCutcheon
It was during the creation of this piece that I was struck with inspiration from the spotlight lamp I typically use. More so, how it can literally become part of the finished product since it is influential in the process..
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