Ricardo Moguel pfp

Ricardo Moguel


43 Following

Perl pfp
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Hide all the wallet/crypto references, integrate that into our daily buying habits (I.e. Amazon or any ad you get through a social network), and boom… future 🚀
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Looks good, but I don’t think this is the future… except for the sms payments, that one I think is awesome
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Quiero hacer una lista de latinos crypto buidlers, quien me ayuda?
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Why not having a mix of ranking algorithms, where you start adding this type of score once accounts have reached a certain level of maturity?
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
We are the alternative thesis to consumer crypto. We don't believe in a world where you have to understand a highly complex global computer, how it manages state, or the myriad footguns that can wreck you if you don't. We believe that crypto can be simple and intuitive, leaving complexity to implementation details.
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
this is a good thread from @bayardo.eth on the current state of @base fees and path forward. he's nuanced and measured, as i'd expect our core protocol leader to be. i want to share a less nuanced perspective: 1. we need to scale the @base EVM >1000x 2. we need to do this with urgency 3. the time to start is right now
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
What’s something you’d change in farcaster?
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Getting an oops something went wrong :(
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Podría decirse que yo.
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
I just claimed on @perl! Claim your $PERL before it expires!
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
What are some security features missing from CEXs and DEXs you’d like to see?
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
No he visto mucha acción en español por aquí. Levanten la mano los hispano parlantes 🙋🏻‍♂️
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Not anymore, 1Password does the job for me now.
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
Could be ETHan
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Ricardo Moguel pfp
Ricardo Moguel
gm Farcaster!
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