Chinmay 🕹️🍿
Why is @hypersub for @loriann showing only ~10 subscribers but on Basescan it shows 53 holders? Hypersub - Basescan - What am I missing? cc: @nonlinear.eth
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base shows all subs including expired. hypersub shows only active subs.
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Chinmay 🕹️🍿
In that case, is there any onchain data that confirms active subscribers?
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yeah all the data is onchain. each sub nft has a property for expiry date.
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Chinmay 🕹️🍿
I see it now. Thanks @moe . @nonlinear.eth one feature request for the NFTs. Can you add expiry = yes/no as a trait? If that's done, it will be backward compatible with many other nft based solutions.
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