✊ Mert from GodmodeHQ pfp
✊ Mert from GodmodeHQ
Super pumped to announce the public launch of https://www.vaga.chat Now you can serve customers who do not use Discord. Moreover, you can create a chatbox and community chat natively in your website/app/game
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✊ Mert from GodmodeHQ pfp
✊ Mert from GodmodeHQ
@launch Vaga | Discord on your website with native community chat
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Launchcaster pfp
Congrats on the launch! You're live on Launchcaster, the place to launch and discover new Web3 projects. Connect your wallet to claim and edit your launch page: https://www.launchcaster.xyz/farcaster/639762a089014ac8b5b4fefe
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