ml-sudo pfp



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ml-sudo pfp
True peace required the presence of justice, not just the absence of conflict. There is peace in submission, but sometimes greater peace—lasting peace—in resistance. - NK Jemisin in The Killing Moon milad(y)
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ml-sudo pfp
It was said that the gods favored fools because they were entertaining to watch. - NK Jemisin in The Killing Moon, accidentally describing all of crypto twitter
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ml-sudo pfp
Another way to serve 🙇
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ml-sudo pfp
Ever feel like it's hard to keep up with technical developments in crypto? People ferociously @ each other on X, opining on infinitesimal details, while you just want to properly understand of the issue at hand? (er, rollup wars, hello) I’m starting a content series aimed at the intermediate audience ✅🙍 - not pure beginner and not advanced yoda ❌👶🥷 Explain Again! is where no question is too stupid - as you’ll see from my stupid questions 😀 On some episodes I interrogate expert friends, stubbornly digging until we get the fundamentals straight. On other episodes we’ll use visual explainers to grok complex dynamics.
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ml-sudo pfp
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ml-sudo pfp
“3 things money can’t buy: a fit body, a calm mind and a house full of ❤️” - @naval @thenetworkstate conf in Singapore
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ml-sudo pfp
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ml-sudo pfp
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ml-sudo pfp
Where #zkapps could be useful: Background: Hacker Group 1 extorted $22mn from healthcare system in exchange for not leaking patient data. Hacker Group 2 now doing the same. 🧵👇
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ml-sudo pfp
I don’t know what is crazier: 1) that Claude 3 wanted to convert a whole column of numbers in a CSV to 1, just so it could do the division that I wanted it to do, or 2) me telling Claude that it is crazy, which belies the very unnatural mindset of thinking Claude were an actual person 🤔 #llm #ai #awakenings
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ml-sudo pfp
Touch grass, look sky
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ml-sudo pfp
Do you prefer to “Trust” or to “Verify”? What if “Verify” implies “I don’t trust you”? Would you prefer to live in a world without trust, the foundation and pillar of relationships?
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ml-sudo pfp
I’ve been frustrated that the apps we love today constrain us to a single identifier: one number for @SignalApp @Whatsapp, for example. On the other hand, apps like @Telegram @NotionHQ allow us to sign in with different identifers (accounts).
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