Evil weight loss tips - imagine all your food has mold on it. Visualize the poisonous mold creeping across your food. You don’t really want that, do you? - chew really slowly. REALLY SLOWLY. Make each bite last minutes to the chagrin of whomever you’re eating with - make small meals look bigger on very small plates. Use your kids’ plates - always have a waterbottle. Pang of hunger? Drink and wait 30min - always go to bed hungry. If you feel sated at the end of the day you overate - nicotine to cut the hunger feeling. Gum delivery will also help with hunger - not the time to care about ultra processed food. Leverage every tool of food science to cut calories. Fake sugar is your bestie wrt sweets cravings All of this is evil and possibly will ruin your metabolism and endocrine system; is essentially the preclude to an eating disorder But you will be rich in what really matters: looking hot. People will THINK you are healthy so does actual health even matter?
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Lol. Good list. I think smaller serving sizes and chewing slowly are great tips!! Drinking water when hungry is another that works for me. I'll add - don't bring junk food into the house. Okay to eat outside - parties, restaurants, etc. - push against brainwashing. You may not need three meals at certain times a day. You may not need meat, carb, veggie at every meal.
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