greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Just got pre-launch jacket in hand and my heart flutters. Builders come in forms you rarely imagine.
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grin 🐣  pfp
grin 🐣
@les are you planning to put these onchain? Im in the dao that makes the PBT chips that Azuki uses Can bring you samples at FarCon
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Onchain shoppable closet is on roadmap, downstream. Would love to see sample.
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grin 🐣  pfp
grin 🐣
Sneak peek Can sew these under the label
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mk pfp
I paint on wood panel. I’d start by gluing one inside.
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grin 🐣  pfp
grin 🐣
That would work great! Ppl have chipped their skateboards, trophies, bongs, whatever you like
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