Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon
Governments are known for wasting money. Why? - People who spend the money didn't have to earn it, - Decisions are democratic, so it's hard to hold people accountable for wasted money, - Money is public, so people treat it more lightly than their own $. How do DAOs ensure they don't become like governments?
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mk pfp
IMO in some cases, the ability to waste money or spend excessively is a super power. Pooled funds are insensitive to individual budgeting constraints/norms which can lead to spending that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon
Interesting point. Do you think in DAOs benefits outweigh the disadvantages? If so why it's not like that in a government - is it a matter of size and different conflicting goals it has to pursue?
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mk pfp
For DAOs, it prob depends on buy-in, size, and funding process. IMO the US gov is an example of fairly beneficial spending. It’s an economic engine that can ignore many market pressures. But it’s an ugly thing to see and is too bloated these days. Atm I expect the most spendy DAOs will be the most influential.
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