Mayank Jain pfp
Mayank Jain
We’re excited to announce that Wally along with @AlchemyLearn, @developer_dao, @hello_we3, @thirdwork, @doolaHQ and more are creating an in-person office space where top talent can learn about and build web3 projects – in the heart of NYC with a cohort of other builders
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Mayank Jain pfp
Mayank Jain
To counteract some of the bad news in tech these days, we wanted to create a space where the community can come together and support each other as we start new things, learn new skills, and look for new opportunities.
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Mayank Jain pfp
Mayank Jain
This winter is going to be one of the best times to start a web3 project (low noise, breakthrough tech, high conviction investors). To make that step easier, those selected will receive: - Free office space - Perks with startups - Network (pitch practice, engineering help, etc)
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