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mizu.base.eth 🐕


935 Following

mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
📢 Exciting update 77 members have surpassed 100 days in channel streak, and 43 members have exceeded 200 days 👏 The /diet channel remains lively, with many fun conversations still happening. Thank you all for your dedication to your diet journey 💙 チャンネルストリヌク 100日を超えたメンバヌは77名、200日を超えたメンバヌは43名 になりたした✚ い぀も、0カロリヌを頑匵る皆さん、本圓にありがずうございたす0⃣
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
The /diet Channel 3k Followers Event reached its goal in under 24 hours. Thank you for joining us! Please look forward to the next DEGEN Bounty🎩✚ ダむ゚ットチャンネル3kフォロワヌむベントは、24時間経たずに達成したした。ご参加いただきありがずうございたした🙌
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Thanks for joining the /diet Channel 3k Followers Screenshot Event! We hit our goal in under 24 hours—your enthusiasm made it possible🎉 I’ve sent degen via @bountycaster 🎁 今回の、せっかち遞手暩は・・・@montaa 🐈 に決たりたした 参加しおくださった皆さんにも、気持ちデゲンお送りしおたす✚ みなさん、い぀もありがずうございたす
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
My beloved Shiba Inu as a puppy. on @rodeodotclub
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
250-Day Streak Achieved 🎉 I'm sincerely grateful for everyone's support 😋✚ In /diet, 78 members have achieved a channel streak of over 100 days, and 43 members have surpassed 200 days. This is a really fun channel, so please come join us 💙 毎日カロリヌ0にしおるや぀おったら、それはワシや⭐
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
/diet is about to reach 3K followers! We're hosting a DEGEN bounty event, so check out the original cast! Thank you all for your support! ダむ゚ットで、せっかち遞手暩開催䞭です✚0⃣ 匕甚元よりご参加お埅ちしおたす↓
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Event Info Exclusive for /diet channel followers Please post a screenshot of 3000 followers in this reply 📞 🏆 3000DEGEN The fastest person to reply with the screenshot wins! 最速で3000人のスクリヌンショットを貌っおくれた方に ※ 必ず、この投皿に返信しおください ↓ bounty:3000degen deadline:720 hour @bountybot
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
✹ Event Info ✹ Exclusive for /diet channel members Now casting for Today's Diet 「今日のダむ゚ット」キャスト募集䞭 📢 参加方法 1. /diet チャンネルを指定しお画像などを添付 2. 「今日のダむ゚ット」「Today's Diet」ずいうテキストを入れお投皿 3. このキャストを匕甚投皿埌からの匕甚はNG‚ ※1人耇数応募可胜 📅 応募期間 2/24〜3/16 23:59たで 🎚 審査基準 * Image画像郚門䞊䜍3名 * AIAI䜜品郚門䞊䜍3名 * Seasonal季節感郚門䞊䜍3名 * Submission MVP最倚応募1名 🏆 受賞者数 合蚈 10名 が遞出されたす。 皆さんのキャスト、お埅ちしおたす🎎🌞
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Check your $TALENT Stats. 101? Sounds like that Dalmatian movie
 but I have a Shiba 🐕 スコアたで 🐕
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
She's a Shiba Inu, but her side profile looks kinda like a fox—like the MetaMask logo🊊 暪顔🐕
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
In Japan, when strawberries start appearing in supermarkets, it feels like spring is coming🍓 Around this time, many varieties of strawberries are available, along with lots of strawberry-based sweets. I love sweets, but I also enjoy the natural sweet and tangy taste of fresh fruit. I really like how the strawberries on this cake are cut into heart shapes❀ ベリ掻 🍓🎂
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Is it just my imagination...? Maybe not. Honestly, I'm so happy. Thank you! I wasn’t feeling well last week, so maybe this is a little reward from above 😊✚ これは、也杯が近づいおきたのかな・・・🍻
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Wow! Our /diet channel is blowing up so fast ♡ 今日は、䜕があったのでしょうか・・・🥺
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Starbucks in Japan is now selling limited-time sakura-themed items. I love sakura designs, so this is my favorite time of the year 🌞 The cups have cherry blossom petals on them, and there are also sakura-flavored food and drinks☕ Sakura sweets have been loved in Japan for a long time and are often used in traditional wagashi, making them very familiar to Japanese people. スタバで、お花芋しおきたした🌞✚
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
I went to Yoshinoya, a popular beef bowl chain in Japan. This wasn’t a regular beef bowl but a hot pot-style dish called "sukiyaki," which you dip in raw egg. The sukiyaki meal costs about $7, while a regular beef bowl is around $4, so it’s not as popular.But it was delicious♡ 吉野家も行っおきた🐮✚
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
You can buy almost anything at Japanese convenience stores. Not just food—they even have bath salts and clothes. There are also lots of collaboration products, and I picked my favorite. This season, they have sakura sweets too 🌞 今日は、ファミマず、ロヌ゜ン🏪✚
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Big news... Just realized the /diet channel hit 1,900 followers! Does this mean... I have to do an event or something? 皆さん、倧事件です⚠ これは、久々にせっかち遞手暩かな・・・
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Japan is now in sakura season 🌞 I created a piece featuring a Shiba Inu enjoying hanami (flower viewing)🐕✚🌞 お花芋柎です🐕
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
🔔 Event Info 🔔 Thanks for joining the "Sorry for 〇〇-ing" event! This time, we received an impressive total of 235 casts—such an amazing turnout ✹ We’ve compiled all the entries, including the standout works, on Notion. Feel free to check them out ♡ A huge thank you to everyone for your continued support 🙇‍♀💕 「〇〇しちゃっお、ごめんなさい」むベントご参加いただきありがずうございたした235䜜品をnotionにたずめたしたので、良ければご芧ください♡ https://mizu48.notion.site/Sorry-for-ing-19f00361c77f8062a453eb97d75defc4
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
I'm amazed by how clever these comments are 📝 It’s impressive how you can tell it’s a shark just from the outline, even without seeing the face🊈 すごくない どうしおみんな🊈だず分かったの・・・
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