mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp



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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
This dog sticker says 'Shiba kuzo' in Japanese, which means 'I'm gonna get angry,' but it's a pun since 'Shiba' also means Shiba Inu. It's so cute, I stuck it on my Mac 💻 怒って欲しい人には、柴いてあげます🐕👹
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Mint Tokyo DAO Passport 残り6日 ハチ公が可愛くてミントしちゃいました🐕 https://warpcast.com/tokyowip/0xdc1a39aa
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT Composition of colorful particles on black Mint closes in 1d 15h Freemint + fee I minted a base color NFT! Even though it's supposed to be generated randomly, isn't this a miracle? ベンツフリーミント🚗💨
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Awesome👏 コインベースウォレットが、更に使いやすくなっている👀
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
She's really scared, so she hardly comes out of this carry-on.Something she hates is waiting for her next. This is an original video of our family dog, not AI🐕 Just earned DRIP doomscrolling @mizu on @drakula
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
She had a bad feeling and wouldn't come out of her carry-on🐕: https://drakula.app/post/7c66f05e-45ad-4b7d-ba08-d12789a4e2b8?invite=pmCgfh
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Do you guys know Hello Kitty, the cat that's popular all around the world? This is a shop where you can buy Sanrio merchandise. It's a well-kept secret that's been around since I was a kid. So, if you're ever touring Japan, be sure to stop by! マイメロ派 🩵 @checkin https://maps.app.goo.gl/y2uVbTLmxwwvwUQw5
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
based 🔵 IMFer 3d left
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles. 大好きな皆さんが!嬉しい😍 日本以外の方も沢山いらっしゃるし、1年以上pharver上でのお付き合いの方とWCで出会えて、初めて言葉を交わしたことも。私の中で大きな変化です🤝
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Mint Shiba #2 Free mint + gas / Limited to 111 This is a collection of little Shiba Inus. She isn't AI-generated. She's beloved pet that we're raising at home. お待たせしました! 柴犬 × シルクハット のNFTです🎩✨🐕
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Mint PRETEND JANET (2013) Based 💙 2,939 minted I feel like using NFTs in music videos opens up cool new possibilities. ミュージックビデオのNFTが最近増えている様な気がする・・・ とてもカッコイイ🎵 https://warpcast.com/base/0xa02336c9
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
I whipped up some spare ribs for dinner, soaking them in carrot leaves and sauce before giving them a good grill. She was right there beside me, totally eyeing the meat like she couldn't wait to have some! スペアリブ  〜人参の葉と共に〜 今晩のメインだよ😋
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
I tried adding some unusual carrot leaves I bought over the weekend to the spare ribs I'm making. Wonder what it'll taste like... 人参の葉っぱをどうしようか迷っていたのですが、たまたまスペアリブ用のお肉が余っていたので、人参の葉で漬け込んでみました🥩
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Mint Fun times ahead !!! 2,103 minted • 29d left Congrats !!! ミントしました! mintfanは、ミントした後に、すぐNFTを表示できるので、tofuNFTの様に普段は使っていました。ほぼ毎日使っています。 https://warpcast.com/jacob/0x0b99634c
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Mint Matcha x DEGEN 🍵✨🎩 I grew up being familiar with matcha, so I minted. My mom is a tea ceremony master with a tea room at home. She serves matcha to foreign guests and shows them shrines and historical sites. 抹茶と、でじぇーんのNFTをミント 🍵 https://warpcast.com/matchaxyz/0x0bb2ea4f
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
I'm trying out a vegetable variety called "bamboo shoot cabbage" for the first time. 筍キャベツ🥬というのを初めて見ました!昨日買った野菜は、どれも新鮮で美味しかったです。そして、めちゃくちゃ安い😍
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Shiba Inus will go for walks rain or shine, snow or sleet. I even drive to places where we can avoid the rain. It's a lot of effort, but look at this face. Adorable, right? キャリーケースが大好きな柴犬です🧳
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
I tried giving my dog a bone to think about her dental health🦷 It seems like good dental care is a secret to a long life. I'll keep an eye on it. This is my original video🐕 Just earned DRIP doomscrolling @mizu on @drakula 骨活はじめました🦴
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
She learned a new game! 🦴: https://drakula.app/post/db388da0-3484-4ae2-ac59-907bad386fb4?invite=pmCgfh
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mizu.degen🔵🎩🧀🍖 pfp
Last week we figured out that her feeling unwell was due to her diet, so we've gone back to homemade meals in addition to dry food. ワンコも🥕食べられます🐕 一本でも人参分かる人、だいたい友達🤝
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