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Anybody got user feedback on the @gnosispay card + Zeal Wallet? I'm warming up to the idea of a physical Visa card paid in crypto and it looks like a good stepping stone toward actually becoming @bankless From @koeppelmann.eth:
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misha 🪨
bankless person here 🦉 minute ago used my @gnosispay to ride the subway 👌🏼 I’m an OG longtime user and can confirm it works effortlessly also not complaining about Zeal wallet earning rates ;) Gnosis Pay + Zeal + @monerium IBAN can make you truly independent Also I run a @gnosischain node so have my own RPC so no one can stop me from banking !
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Awesome, thanks. I wonder how topping up works outside of the EU, though, since no IBAN. I presume I'd have to make an international wire transfer, which takes days and costs fees. I'll need to look into the docs
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