Minh Do pfp
Minh Do
I’m on Farcaster. I’m on Lens. I’m on Bluesky. I’m on Mastodon. I’m on Twitter. So what’s next? Is this back to the days when all the social media were competing for the feed? What is the differentiator that makes one of these social feeds shine over the others?
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osama pfp
missing a sovereign domain in that list 🪦
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
The people + net new behavior enabled by app / protocol features
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keccers pfp
The people — who do you want to hang out with most
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
I’ll be going on an FC invite spree post drop next week. Just wait.
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
The culture
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July pfp
One of these social media sites has this https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=JjDsRN89sIA&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
One of these things has FarCon.xyz 😩🥲🫡
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
I’d agree with dan - the people. But in the end Twitter aggregated so many groups of people…
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
that's why I was hoping more protocol could build using ipld (ceramic and bluesky did), which could improve interopability
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Pedro Gomes pfp
Pedro Gomes
Client diversification is what I’m looking for
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
social bridge might be a thing..
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Brais.eth (🥝,🎩) pfp
Brais.eth (🥝,🎩)
Different speakers for the (eventually) same audience
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Brent Fitzgerald pfp
Brent Fitzgerald
What if social media is actually just entirely unnecessary? It’s a recent invention, and it has viral growth properties but there are plenty of people who don’t engage and live ok lives. What if “cozy web” chat servers and old school email and blogs were enough?
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
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SydneyJason pfp
We need one interface to broadcast everywhere (and monitor)
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John Passafiume pfp
John Passafiume
It‘s looking (to me at least) like the future of social will be more or less siloed with a lot riding on political affinities in the near-term, and probably in the longer-term orientations around AI/trans-humanism become a dividing line
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
They all have very different theories about what makes a great social network. “The network design has economic consequences” and we will see these networks diverge over time because of these choices.
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petar.xyz pfp
I think we’ve entered the era of niche social networks. I don’t think either of the mentioned platforms or protocols are competing between them.
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