Minh Do pfp
Minh Do
Apple Vision Pro is an incomplete $3.5k product, I think it’s rich that reviewers are calling out $700 Humane AI pin and $200 R1 as being incomplete or lacking. Sure, they dont have the greatest product company of all time backing them and maybe suck. But is incompleteness really a good argument against V1 products?
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Matthew pfp
idk, i see your point but the avp isn’t “incomplete” in the way that the other two are. apple needed to do a better job with partnerships and marketing, but at least the avp is magical. the others cant even beat the chatGPT app, let alone the fact you have to buy a hardware device, carry it, charge it, etc.
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Jordan Kutzer pfp
Jordan Kutzer
I think that AVP has an incomplete ecosystem, but it’s not an incomplete product. It’s the best headset that Apple can make and sell, but they just don’t have the app/developer ecosystem built out yet
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Sahil 🥝 pfp
Sahil 🥝
They're incomplete because they don't do everything advertised in their keynotes. I see the value in the iterative process but real capabilities should be made clear at launch itself. It's unfair for people who pay the $700 or even $200, let alone the $3500 to then wait months to be able to use the promised features.
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