Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
This is bad. Crypto is not just trading tokens, it's part of a broader ethos of freedom and privacy and keeping power in the hands of the little guy. These values unfortunately continue to be under attack, globally.
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Tom Jeans pfp
Tom Jeans
every American citizen has a responsibility to know their Senators and Congressman and know their positions on important issues the people voted for the elected officials who approved this expansion of state surveillance authority
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MingMing13 (>^_^)>šŸ˜<(^_^<) pfp
MingMing13 (>^_^)>šŸ˜<(^_^<)
It doesn't matter because the election system is completely captured. Through years of gerrymandering, demographic manipulation, bribery, and stolen elections. Schumer, the biden crime family, the Bush family, Clinton's, etc and their CIA connections are tyrants and we are mere puppets bleeding for their amusement
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Tom Jeans pfp
Tom Jeans
true facts unfortunately
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