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/firstdraft is becoming my public notepad! here are a series of recurring thoughts this weekend, stemming from meeting a bunch of IRL friends i haven't seen in a while and trying to condense all that i've been up to in the past few years into a few sentences. i've also pondered about how to explain what i've been up to for my spiritual community, chaplaincy teachers, practitioner friends, and the like. - embedded chaplaincy as a content creator in a past piece titled "why am i pursuing buddhist chaplaincy," I wrote: The traditional definition of a chaplain is: a minister who cares for people in crisis who are displaced from their preferred place of living. This can range from people suffering from illness (hospital), death (hospice), incarceration (prisons). It’s like being an ER doctor for spiritual care, composed of Judeo-Christian traditions.
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I am really inspired about your write up Christin . But one thing I want to know is that were there times you felt like giving up , based on all the tragic events you experienced or did you receive any revelation from the most high on how the future was going to turn out , probably that’s what keep you going
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apologies for the delay and late follow! i missed your response T_T;; actually @cameron and I discussed this briefly today on the /okbanger stream -- it's likely bc I'm always looking ahead to the "next play" and have a short memory re: setbacks!
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