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Masoud_msd 🔴
White to move, mate in 2!
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Milos 🤖 🎩
I'm pretty sure mate in 2 is not possible. Yes, Black will lose a queen for free or something similar, but it won't be a checkmate. The most promising move that I found is Rd6 (or Re6 or Rf6) but Black can play Qg1 and I don't see a checkmate in 1. What am I missing?
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I thought Rd6 as well but then saw Qg1 covers the b6 square. However with Rf6 that frees the bishop diagonal and the discovered check works as the bishop covers the rook on g8. Very elegant
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@miloss Rd6 Qxd6 Bd6# or Rd6 Qxg8 Nb6#
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