Jay🔥 pfp
The little boy from Rosario, Santa Fe has just pitched up in heaven Figo Zidane Romario Ronaldo, Johan Cryjiff Diego Maradona. Now there is a new name in the history books; Lionel Messi They give thanks that he is one of them. How often have they said the prayer of thanks Witness him Pele, Acknowledge him Maradona, talk about it Cryjiff, Force them to admit Platini, Preach The Truth Zizou... isn't he the best, isn't he the greatest, isn't he the Man of History? Don't Let Them Down La Pulga. In the future everyone will talk about it. There was a legend who won the Mundial, There Was Another legend Who Didn't win the Mundial /design 🐐🇦🇷
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