miketrap pfp



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miketrap pfp
Blade Runner really did get a lot right. That’s all I’m saying.
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miketrap pfp
The Clocktower in NYC. Great bar.
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miketrap pfp
Crypto is dead. Long live Web 3 2.0.
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miketrap pfp
After >10 years, today was the day I gave up on Android. It wasn't the hardware, the late apps, the blue bubbles, the surveillance, or the Android Auto problems. It was all those things, and a preference for a hardware-driven overlord (Apple, vs. Google) where at least I'm the customer.
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miketrap pfp
Content marketing is dead, buried under a mountain of AI-generated bullshit. Build a community of people who care about a problem you can solve, or doom yourself to obscurity.
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miketrap pfp
My thoughts on what it takes to be a great tech startup CEO, FWIW: https://hbr.org/podcast/2023/05/what-it-takes-to-become-ceo
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miketrap pfp
Farcaster and BlueSky meet in a bar...
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miketrap pfp
No prospective customer wakes up in the morning worried about "optimizing results." If you're leading with that in describing what you do, try being more specific.
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miketrap pfp
Got to meet with some really smart people today. Made for a good one.
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miketrap pfp
Bok Choy is the most disappointing vegetable. Sounds exotic, then tastes like drowned celery.
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miketrap pfp
"Love without truth is sentimentality; it supports and affirms us but keeps us in denial about our flaws. Truth without love is harshness; it gives us information but in such a way that we cannot really hear it." Timothy Keller
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miketrap pfp
Welcoming @eswar to FC... a proven entrepreneur and technology leader with 3 9-figure venture exits to his credit as a founder on both the East and West coasts. Also one of the best guys you're going to meet. Say hello!
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miketrap pfp
Welcoming @crski to FC. Chris is a top enterprise tech seller and entrepreneur. If you have questions about what it takes to get big customers to buy - especially big, global financial services firms - he's your guy.
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miketrap pfp
Anybody know how to resend an invite code email? One seems not to have gone thru.
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miketrap pfp
If you're in tech, accept the fact that startups come and go. Relationships endure, though, and that's why you should focus your loyalty on people, not companies.
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miketrap pfp
Farcaster Nation - I'm looking for a brilliant Product Marketing person... someone who understands enterprise tech well enough to talk to engineers, but who is enough of a storyteller to be heard by customers. Strategic role, hot company, potential to grow into a CMO gig. Anyone spring to mind?
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miketrap pfp
AI is becoming a calculator for information. Just like math skills became less important, AI will change what matters at businesses built on specialized knowledge, and transform the way they operate.
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miketrap pfp
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miketrap pfp
Some hardcore multi-level nerd shit going down at ETHBoston. Was hoping for more monkey cartoons. https://i.imgur.com/pGGDMtV.jpg
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miketrap pfp
What I love and hate about Web3... Beautiful piece on Mirror: https://mirror.xyz/verite.eth/KK0z8nVIC-bE5VHlUGobr1xv4AW0D0JM5dWpBXfvYA8 Click "Collect" knowing funds will go to Verite. Metamask asks permission to switch to ETH. Click. Click. Then asks me to "Bridge to Optimism." Click. Click. Dropdown...
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