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Is there art on the moon? Brain rot! Now waaaay!! Yes way! There is! And now it’s time to bring art back to the moon surface. Over 50 years later! Here’s what happened in 1971: Before astronaut David Scott went to the Moon on the Apollo 15 mission, he met an artist named Paul Van Hoeydonck at a dinner party. They decided that Paul would make a small statue for David to leave on the Moon. This was to honor astronauts and cosmonauts who had died while working on space exploration. David made a list of 14 names from the U.S. and Soviet Union and put them on a plaque. David told Paul that the statue needed to be light but strong, able to handle the very hot and very cold temperatures on the Moon. It also shouldn’t look like it belonged to any specific gender or race. David said they agreed not to use Paul’s name publicly to prevent anyone from using the space mission for business gain. David asked and got permission from NASA leaders to bring the statue on his mission. However, he only told …
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