Michael  pfp



93 Following

Michael  pfp
Me, using coffee to gain enough energy for being active in farcaster and base ...
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Michael  pfp
Base platform can help people more than traditional ways...
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Michael  pfp
I'm back with a lot of plans
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Michael  pfp
I just won 15 of DEGEN spinning the wheel in the @degentip Jeeves App! Try your luck in the feed now! 🎰
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Michael  pfp
The hat is moooore intriguing...πŸ˜‰ Degen, what are you doing with us .LOL
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Michael  pfp
We are the system Let's make it work... Degen
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Michael  pfp
Imagine you are water on top of a mountain. There are thousands of ways to join the sea around it and the ocean after. Your account is the water Farcaster platform is the mountain Channels are the ways The sea is your goals The Ocean is a power of great impact on systems, others, and making changes. Keep going
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Michael  pfp
We are the future
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Michael  pfp
How Base and Zora can help healthcare systems?
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Michael  pfp
I like Network marketing Degen pursues so many friends...
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Michael  pfp
Maybe $D is the next B Who knows? Great projects are live on the base network.
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Michael  pfp
Zora Based on your creativity the Zora systems improve your level as you improve it's Keep working...
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Michael  pfp
I'm following web3 projects, news, and activity. It is promising for good news in the near future.
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Michael  pfp
I'm /long $ONCHAIN! πŸ¦•
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Michael  pfp
Balance It's just one word But makes your mind Turns you to whom you must be ... Let's make a balanced warp caster Balanced tips Balanced help to our friends
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Michael  pfp
You wanna be powerful? Experience both darkness and light... Like Recast Follow =follow back Comment degen to get back
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