Michael pfp
100 days ago my first child was born. I'm far from an expert on child rearing but here's the advice I wish I had 100 days ago:
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Michael pfp
Sleep - Dividing the night into 4 hour watches worked great for us. If you're on watch, any baby care goes to you. If you aren't then get some rest. There's no value in having both of you sleep deprived if you can avoid it
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Michael pfp
(sleep ctd) - Don't rush in every time they make a peep. Sometimes they can make noises and even open their eyes while sleeping. Give them 30s to settle (scaling up with age) before checking in or you may wake them up accidentally - It's your job to train them how to sleep, don't let them train you instead
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Michael pfp
Stuff - Buy less stuff. Most of the things we bought we haven't used enough to justify the price. Here are the few we have: - Clothes are easy to gift so you'll probably get a bunch of them. And at this stage they grow so quickly that they won't wear anything more than a few times anyway. Buy the minimum & do laundry
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