Michael Dempsey
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Michael Dempsey
I read this paragraph a few times and thought about how it perfectly sums up a lot of the problems within crypto and technology building in general. via - https://gagra.vc/flipping-the-ai-coin
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Michael Dempsey
Not clear to me Wormhole isn’t going to be the ICP of this cycle. But maybe it’s just JUP
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Michael Dempsey
Cool repo tracking latest audio AI models - https://github.com/archinetai/audio-ai-timeline
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Michael Dempsey
(New Post) Narrative Cycles & Conviction in Technology A look at how narratives shift and conviction follows during times of uncertainty. + How to get a barometer on the market based on founder and investor behaviors. https://mhdempsey.substack.com/p/narrative-cycles-and-conviction-in
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Michael Dempsey
(New Posts) U-Shaped Token Curves - Looking at how slowing token emissions from this last crypto cycle could lead to power law dynamics setting in. Stablecoins & Dollar Dominance - Why the US needs to care about stablecoins. https://mhdempsey.substack.com/p/u-shaped-token-curves-stablecoins
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Michael Dempsey
Are there any more novel approaches to tokenomics that have been written about that evolve past veToken model? Feels odd to me we are using something that is years old while pace and learning of token-related problems continues aggressively.
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