Matt Galligan pfp

Matt Galligan


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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Today is my son Nash's "Take Your Child to Work Day" so we're learning all about entrepreneurship, blockchain tech, XMTP, and more. In learning about blockchains, we minted some NFTs together, inspired by his idea for a time machine. Go collect them all—they're free!
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
*Minted on Base, of course!
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Today is my son Nash's "Take Your Child to Work Day" so we're learning all about entrepreneurship, blockchain tech, XMTP, and more. In learning about blockchains, we minted some NFTs together, inspired by his idea for a time machine. Go collect them all—they're free!
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
gm to Mae Josephine Galligan 💚 Feeling so grateful to have a happy, healthy baby girl with mom also recovering well. Many happy days ahead. Her brother and sisters are over the moon and she is so loved. 🥰
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Loved the book. Giving the app a shot!
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Houndstooth Coffee is a short walk from the conference center and is really, really solid. Tasty coffee, and consistent. Good for meetings too.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
You could! My preference in order is all about sequencing, volume, heat retention. Cortado is small, cools faster, and is quicker to make. That means I can usually enjoy one while the pour over is made. I also get to enjoy it while it’s at its optimum temp.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Oh man. The coffee is pretty good but that breakfast sandwich is god-level good.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Please report back
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Tip for anyone attending ETHDenver: Do yourself a favor and go spend some time at Little Owl Coffee. Get a cortado for sipping, and a pour over to take away. It’s really, really good.
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Fabri pfp
📢 Calling all hackers at #ETHDenver2024! 🗻 ⭐️ Introducing @xmtp_: The Web3 Messaging Protocol 🚀 The #BUIDLathon is getting started and we're excited to share updates on Frames, Groups, Universal Allow/Block, and new developer bounties.
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Colin @ FarCon pfp
Colin @ FarCon
Just launched support for Paragraph frames on @xmtp. Subscribe, read in-line, and (coming soon) collect Paragraph posts without ever leaving your XMTP client. This enables a more seamless way for creators to grow & monetize, while making it easier for readers to engage with you & your content directly from a DM.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Subscriptions 🤝 Universal Allow/Block 💌 XIP-43 permission proofs 💌
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
The best part of this is that it's seamless to the user—just subscribe, sign, and see the messages flow in. But behind the scenes, their inbox is doing the work to validate the subscription sender's allowance, and still protecting them from unsolicited senders.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
XIP-43 introduces a permission proof—a simple message signed by the user upon subscribing. That proof is then "attached" to the publisher's invite message, which is immediately sent, and can later be read by the subscriber's XMTP inbox app, using the proof to automatically allow the publisher's messages. 🚀
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
While it would have been ideal to have a "Subscribe with XMTP" button that toggled the publisher to "allow" with one-click, security implications made that a no-go. So a new solution needed to be designed—one that doesn't require a user to sign into their XMTP account directly on the publisher's site.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Last week /xmtp got network-level allow/block prefs, which are shared between client apps. So how can opt-in senders (e.g. subscriptions, newsletters, notifs) skip request filters now? That's where a new XIP (permission preference proofs) comes in:
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Appreciate the feedback there! Not something that I was aware of. Already kicked off two other independent subs this morning, and will keep doing that to drop Trade.
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