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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
If you recently started following me and we've never interacted 1:1 before, please introduce yourself !!! I refuse to give in to post-permissionless Farcaster where I dont know 100% of the people reading my posts. Who are you? What sparks joy in you? How can I support you? Why are you here? 🫡
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metabananas pfp
gm, im metabananas. joy is sparked wen i fuck arnd with mfers i research and design health systems and care delivery models in asia. there’s not enough implementation research on decentralized tech in health systems and global health governance. much we can do to improve access and equity. 💙
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Interesting - on the clinical side or tech side of care model / delivery design?
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