Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
1/ At Design No.5, Mercedes-Benz presented a pilot version of a new in-car app for digital art. One function allows Mercedes-Benz customers to display their own digital art in the vehicle by connecting their crypto wallets. It will be tested in the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class. 🖼
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Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
2/ Inspired by the converging worlds of technology and art, the Mercedes-Benz R&D and design teams are constantly thinking about new ways to merge physical and digital products. This is the first example of how cars can showcase digital art and be transformed into a gallery.
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Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
3/ End of thread. Any further casts below that look like they’re from us are likely impersonators. Don’t click on their links. Please be aware that all mints will be announced seven days prior on at least two of our official channels. We will NEVER do stealth mints. Stay safe 🚨
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