Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
1/ Superdackel is coming! TL;DR: Free mint (gas fees only). Three mint phases: 1️⃣ Collectors of Mercedes-Benz NXT Icons, 2️⃣ six community friends, and 3️⃣ all other Dackel enthusiasts (the public). 24 hours per phase. Learn more and find out how to mint ↓
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Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
2/ Superdackel is an homage to the iconic nodding dog dashboard toy called “Wackeldackel” and was introduced by Mercedes-Benz and Superplastic at CES last year. This year, he is back as a digital collectible.
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Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
3/ There are four different scenes, 19 jacket colors and 19 shoe colors in the collection – resulting in 1,000 unique digital collectibles. The colors of Superdackel’s jacket and shoes refer to the car paints that are also featured in the Mercedes-Benz NXT Icons collection.
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