Market dump continuously ♦️ Now lets pray for phaver , team just lost roght time to launch due to trying of lisitng òn major exchanges🤖 @phaverapp @joonatan.eth
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Joonatan | Phaver CEO
Listing right before a major drop would have been the worst possible timing, we luckily dodged the bullet 😁
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Yeah mate , salute to you & team but market going bleeding month by i don't think that was wrong time to we want and stick that one question :: wen $SOCIAL
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Joonatan | Phaver CEO
We’re building $SOCIAL on a multi-year timing where weekly ups and downs are not relevant in any way, nor are any listings timed based on those as it’s impossible to time the market between these small changes that keep coming and going. What matters is where you list and what are the tokenomics, not when you list.
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