What problems has solved that many projects fail on! 1) Liquidity: The Memgen tokenomics solves liquidity problems many other projects face via its smart contract system. A 1% fee is taken in BASE ETH of every buy or sale of Memgens $WAG token and used to buy more $WAG from the open market and to create more ETH/$WAG LP! 2) Over supply, inflation and demand: The tokenomics solves over supply, inflation and demand issues again via its smart contract. Firstly there is a finite amount of $WAG token the mint function is dead and no more tokens can be created. Further more a 1% fee in BASE $ETH is taken from every buy and sell of the $WAG token and used to buy $WAG from the open Market to BURN. Therefore creating a depleting supply over time making the token scarcer as demand grows.
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Further notes to take away before you think about investing. 1) All our smart contracts are audited by @CoinsultAudits. 2) Our project was designed fresh and built to last,its original and not a fork copy or paste. 3) Before launching our token the team have spent over 6 months building a community and marketing our project building strong foundations for an everlasting project and brand. 4) The DEV team can be easily contacted and even seen speaking and hosting spaces weekly. We donโ€™t hide behind close doors or ignore people. 5) DEV has KYC/Doxxed to legitimate ID company @CELTDio.
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