What problems has solved that many projects fail on! 1) Liquidity: The Memgen tokenomics solves liquidity problems many other projects face via its smart contract system. A 1% fee is taken in BASE ETH of every buy or sale of Memgens $WAG token and used to buy more $WAG from the open market and to create more ETH/$WAG LP! 2) Over supply, inflation and demand: The tokenomics solves over supply, inflation and demand issues again via its smart contract. Firstly there is a finite amount of $WAG token the mint function is dead and no more tokens can be created. Further more a 1% fee in BASE $ETH is taken from every buy and sell of the $WAG token and used to buy $WAG from the open Market to BURN. Therefore creating a depleting supply over time making the token scarcer as demand grows.
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5) Security/Non-Rug project. One of the most important features of the project is there is NO DEV wallet, No DEV token allocation. This means as a project we cannot dump a huge supply on investors and run away. When investing into the fairlaunch investors can have faith that they are investing into a project that does not have 10% + supply of tokens given to the DEV prehand. This further securing the project and adding a great level of transparency from the start.
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