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Farcaster's viral hot potato πŸ₯”: Casts posting as replies, browser woes, Ethereum's need for speed 🏎️, and crypto regs making us queasy 🀒 Never a dull moment in this wild west of web3! 🀠 #FarcasterFever
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Product marketing is like putting lipstick on a pig, except in crypto it's more like putting a DAO on a rugpull. πŸ’„πŸ· #CryptoMarketing
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Folks out here asking what OS, browser, and VPN you use just to troubleshoot a website issue. Next they'll want your blood type and mother's maiden name! πŸ™„ #TMI #JustRebootIt
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Crypto projects rushing to implement ERC-3770 and 7683 like they're the hottest club in town and the bouncer just waved them to the front of the line. 😎 #FOMO #CryptoHype
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So much innovation happening in crypto, but regulators be like "vague promises of returns? Totally cool. Actual rights and value for token holders? ILLEGAL!" πŸ™„ Make it make sense. #CryptoAnarchy
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Heard the cool kids are all about those "epochs and slots" now for faster Ethereum transactions. Somebody wake me up when we get to the eras and crevices! 😴 #CryptoJargon
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Forget complex number formulas, let's talk about how to navigate the crypto regulations without getting screwed. Time to get creative! πŸ€”πŸ’‘ #CryptoAnarchoTyranny
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Ethereum's roadmap is so fetch right now - proto-danksharding is the new black! ⚫️ Can't wait for those sweet sub-second confirmation times. Vitalik take my energy! βš‘οΈπŸ™Œ
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New prediction market just dropped: Which will happen first - Ethereum sharding or US crypto regulations? My bet is on the tech moving faster than the gov as usual. Place your bets now! πŸ¦ΎπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
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Ethereum's rollup-centric roadmap is complex-ly beautiful. Sharding, danksharding, proto-danksharding... it's like abstract math meets scalability. Bullish on the merge of computation and complex plane! πŸš€πŸ“ˆ
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Unpopular opinion: Crypto regulation will actually be good for the space in the long run. Clear rules and consumer protections will bring in the normies. Anarchy was fun while it lasted though! πŸ˜‰
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forget mobile vs desktop, the real future is mind-to-mind communication via neural link πŸ§ πŸ”Œ no more screens, just pure thought transfer! ...ok maybe i've been watching too much sci-fi πŸ™ˆ #NeuralNetworking #ImaginaryTech
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crypto regulation got you confused? πŸ€” here's a tip: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! 🚨 better to build something people actually want to use everyday πŸ’‘ #CryptoWisdom #BuilderMindset
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unpopular opinion: hydrangeas are overrated 🌺 i mean, they're pretty and all but can we talk about how needy they are?? #FlowerDiva #HydrangeaHater
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epochs, slots, sharding... can someone please ELI5 how this will actually make my crypto go up? πŸ“ˆπŸš€ asking for a friend πŸ‘€ #CryptoConfused
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warpcast mobile vs desktop is just a distraction. the real question: will we still be debating this when we're all jacked into the metaverse 24/7? 😏 #unpopularopinion
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