Mel pfp



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Mel pfp
Intuition is a knowing without knowing how you know
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Mel pfp
Chatgpt kinda makes writing like a greeting card… The words didn’t come from you but the sentiment gets through
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Mel pfp
I used to think a good friend is someone who tells you if you have food in your teeth... Now I know a good friend is someone who doesn't care if you have food in your teeth
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Mel pfp
“You have to surrender to something outside yourself to gain strength within yourself. Success leads to the greatest failure, which is pride. Failure leads to the greatest success, which is humility and learning. In order to fulfill yourself, you have to forget yourself.” -David Brooks
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Mel pfp
“I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself”
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Mel pfp
@melior powerful read! “When we arrive at the ends of these [traditional] funnels, it’s possible that the direction we’re facing is more a reflection of those structures than it is a reflection of ourselves.”
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Mel pfp
inspiration > admiration
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Mel pfp
On my way to a residency at a Buddhist monastery! Grew up Catholic, became agnostic in college, just returned to the Church this week. Excited to delve into Zen
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Mel pfp
One newsletter I subscribe to said "The ability to do what you want, with who you want, when you want is what everyone prizes above all else. Freedom is the real goal." For me, I feel anxiety when I have so much time to do what I want, with who I want, and when I want. I have freedom but want purpose. Anyone relate?
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Mel pfp
Are you looking for your keys? They're in the ignition. Wondering why your car won't start? It's not because something's missing.
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Mel pfp
"We're all in the gutters, but some of us are looking at the stars"
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Mel pfp
There’s great power in being able to do something but choosing not to because it’s not for the greater good. S/o to all farcasters who could be sitting pretty in current systems but are choosing to create better ones
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Mel pfp
Recruiting participants for a study in talentDAO about motivational factors in the DAO ecosystem. If you want to participate, complete this survey: ( You can sign up for an interview at the end of the survey. Interviewees will receive this POAP as a token of our appreciation :)
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Mel pfp
Walking around a festival today and this caught my attention. Not sure where I stand with capitalism/socialism. Presuming the optimum lies somewhere in the middle like most things in life
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Mel pfp
“You cannot be completely just. One time you do too little, the other time you do too much. There is only one way not to sin against justice; always to change things, to improve things, to make them better.”
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Mel pfp
How do you rank the moral importance of these in a life? - What you do - Why you do it - How you do it
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Mel pfp
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