I personally think "own/control your own data" being the punchline for most web3 products is at best extremely weak esp. when facing consumers. Consumers don't tend to optimize for "safety" when they are looking for fun. It's rarely ever the primary hook.
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Ben - [C/x]
The web3 “own your data” model is really just switching the cost burden from third party advertisers monetizing consumers attention, directly to consumers themselves. (1/2)
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Ben - [C/x]
Until there's a way for average consumers to passively earn from their data enough to offset some of the new cost they're shouldering via P2P content distribution and purchasing, it's a tough model to envision taking off outside of niche altruistic support of certain artists . (2/2)
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Michael Finney
Agree, which is why web+ needs to focus on creators first who actually generate enough output to monetize and build a community around, not just user metrics Monetization and distribution for artists is primary which means public relations
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Ben - [C/x]
I think that's right. If someone can solve for the high switching costs they face transitioning over, then it could work. Just like large incumbent corporations, their interests are deeply rooted in the status quo. (1/2)
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