McCall pfp



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McCall pfp
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McCall pfp
North Beach Festival is poppin off 🇮🇹🥰
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McCall pfp
Searching for recommendations of online courses for nontechnical folks to better understand CS and/or the blockchain tech stack on a technical (enough) level? @mudlotus
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McCall pfp
at least it’s still beautiful here
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McCall pfp
1/ A highlight from my first Consensus was a powerful question posed by a friend/founder: WHOM are we actually building for?
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McCall pfp
Thanks for bringing us all together @codeofcrypto 👏🏽
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McCall pfp
Hope to meet some of you law nerds soon! /consensus-2024
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McCall pfp
first bay to breakers in the books ✅
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McCall pfp
What’s the best Bay to Breakers costume you’ve ever seen?
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McCall pfp
ya gotta try zushi puzzle
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McCall pfp
My favorite thing about Warpcast so far is the sense of community that’s truly unrivaled in other online spaces. Very grateful for all those who have generously offered their time and resources to this bb crypto lawyer including @codeofcrypto @lawtoshi @sathaxe
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McCall pfp
WHOMST is down to recreate NYC’s “uncommons crypto” in SF? @love @shefi 🤔
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McCall pfp
Can women in web3 do this every week?
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McCall pfp
GM! Putting together a panel at a local web3 hub and looking for speakers (preferably female) who can provide concrete examples of how their work in web3 directly contributes to financial inclusion/empowerment. DC me if you have any leads! 😀
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McCall pfp
I’m so pleased that this has finally arrived and that I have something to help explain to my parents kinda sorta what I do all day. Thanks for your very important work, Justin! 😀
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McCall pfp
This Fin. Services Committee hearing is the latest attempt by regulators to address cybersecurity concerns in the digital era (following Treasury's OCCIP AI Report and the CISA notice of proposed rulemaking). I suspect that we will continue to hear more on this topic in the coming months.
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McCall pfp
An insightful read, esp. in light of last month's federal court decision on Custodia Bank's challenge against the Fed. Interesting to consider what Custodia’s best arguments will be if it decides to appeal.
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McCall pfp
Been casting for about 72 hours and I’m starting to wonder… Is this how my grandparents feel on Facebook?
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McCall pfp
SheFiers in SF/Bay Area, I’d love to get together IRL. If you’re interested in connecting, don’t be a stranger!
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McCall pfp
Today I learned that women couldn’t get mortgages in the U.S. as recently as the early 1970s! Financial sovereignty for women—and all folks—is still an incredibly relevant cause. Thanks @love and /shefi for all the work you do!
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