Max Lomu pfp

Max Lomu


59 Following

Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
I wholeheartedly disagree with this take. An appchain is not a use case for a token, it just pushes the problem “let’s build something that people want to use” a level app, waiting for someone to do that on your behalf. Looking forward the real apps.
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
The @Arbitrum DAO is turning into a Venture Studio for Games! I have voted in favor of the Gaming Ecosystem Growth proposal - $400m directed at publishers and game builders. Web3 games still have a chance to be the entry point of the famous “1 billion new users”…
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
Is there a way to not have Warpcast redirect me to the Coinbase Wallet when I need to do an onchain tx? I want to use other wallets
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
I have not time to focus on memecoins, I am happily farming with $ETH @ 60% APY
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
Seeing a lot of different estimates on the impact of blobs, but if this is true we are going to see an even greater explosion of activity on L2s. Bullish @ethereum, bullish $ETH, bullish all L2s
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
gm. Today we build. Bull market bear market doesn’t make a difference. Today we build.
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
I had forgotten about @phi_xyz!🏝 but it's been fun to refurnish my land #philand
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
Couldn’t avoid minting this gem on @base paint today
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
I’m here just to mint everything I bump into
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
Just onboarded to Farcaster thanks to… Frames! Loved the concept at first sight, my mind is now not trying to explode while thinking about the best experiments that could be run here. Permissionless composability, built-in distribution channel, forced web3 security. Let’s go! 🚀
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Max Lomu pfp
Max Lomu
Hello World, Hello Farcaster!
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