maurelian  pfp
Great thread that makes explicit the thing that hasn’t quite made sense to me about longevity thinking:
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maurelian  pfp
Money quote:
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Jackson 🎩🍖🐈‍⬛ pfp
Jackson 🎩🍖🐈‍⬛
Longevity is spending less of your life in pain from chronic disease. Die faster later. Haven’t seen any arguments against it outside the “I’m unhealthy and want to justify my behaviour” crowd. AI content filters will change internet life: resentment-driven-argument filter would cut 90% of the noise
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clun.eth pfp
Good thread and nice statistical examples! I was going to say something about the point is to live only slightly longer in order to maximize the chance that you see real life extension tech but he addresses that too: no need to suck the blood of your kids, more important to just avoid smoking and get good sleep 😊
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