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maurelian  pfp
Hippie legend has it that if you don't use shampoo for long enough, your scalp eventually self regulates oil production, and you reach nirvana with nice shiny hair that doesn't look/feeling like a grease ball. Has anyone made it to the other side? Is it worth it? Tips for getting there?
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Bastien pfp
So I did this for a few months a few years back. I had rather short hair bit Im not gonna lie, the results were great. First 2 weeks I looked like hobo and then suddenly my hair started looking like from a shampoo commercial
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Abstrct pfp
Yeah I’d say it works pretty well. I only use shampoo after haircuts and after sports. Might depend on the person, hair, and scalp though!
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ȷď𝐛𝐛🌳 pfp
not worth talking about in polite company but haven’t used shampoo for maybe a decade. conditioner alone maybe 1x week. it does take time to get there ofc contrast was my earlier 15 years in competitive swimming at the other🛢️ extreme so can speak to both sides 🫡
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Asmita Samadhi pfp
Asmita Samadhi
Depending on your own natural scalp, hair type and oil production it works out fine. Shampoo and conditioner feels like it suffocates my pores, so use it at haircut times, and if it ever feels/looks too greasy. I practice heated Yoga everyday, skateboard 🛹, walk the dog - & I live in Arizona. Not a hippie
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maîtresse pfp
The “no-poo” movement! Maybe this is helpful. A product that isn’t shampoo called New Wash (original) by Hairstory is supposed to help you get there. My old hair stylist swore by it, my new stylist told me my hair “isn’t the type” so I never made it over the hump. Check it out. Might work for you! 🫧🛁
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Brennan 💎 pfp
Brennan 💎
I run daily, so I use just conditioner with each shower (no shampoo). Scalp has never felt better and my hair is perfectly clean. Have been doing this for several years at this point
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