Content pfp
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maurelian  pfp
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notdevin  pfp
Fine, but then we can’t talk about the same thing we both understand, which makes no sense
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res ipsa ☺︎ pfp
res ipsa ☺︎
it bothers me to the extent that words have meanings and “read” by definition involves content in the written— and not spoken— form (occupational hazard!) not a matter of hierarchy to me. listeners may not retain as well but they’re likely to have more breadth/exposure. a wash in the grand scheme🤓🎧
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cqb pfp
Is it still reading if it's brail too? Everyone still knows what you're talking about if you say you're reading a book but you're listening to it, the distinction is almost meaningless. It only takes a few syllables to clarify what mode you're precessing the info, whether photons, air vibrations, or bumps
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Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍 pfp
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍
The alternatives need fewer syllables or I'm just going to keep say "reading" 😁 "listening to" "audio-booking" "going through" or whatever is just too clunky and long IMO. I'd welcome a less ambiguous, more concise alternative, but I haven't come across any yet.
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Katherine pfp
Loser take. Wrong. No. Book's a book however you consume it
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shazow pfp
Different people experience reading differently. Some people don't even have vivid imagery in their head! That's probably a bigger difference than reading vs listening. If anything, allowing people to choose their preferred method of consumption probably does more to normalize outcome through selection bias.
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links pfp
Just use air quotes and everything is good
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Jaack pfp
We can say “I’m audioreading” or something else. We need a new vocabulary
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smartcontracts pfp
If we can have a conversation about the book then who cares. The class of books where actually reading the book in text makes a significant material impact on the info ingestion experience is negligible, and you'll know which books they are when discussing them.
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smartcontracts pfp
Also, do we really want to create more barriers for people to get into reading books? Wack take imho
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
The all caps makes me disagree. If it were a pedantic argument it wouldn’t be shouted. It implies they are not equivalent, which is wrong. You get the same content and process it largely the same way. You’ve read the book.
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