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Matthew 🎩 pfp
Matthew 🎩
OrchidORM is one of those tools I can't praise enough. It deserves way more exposure, as the author works tirelessly to build likely the best ORM for Node.js there is. This is not just some query builder, this is the real shit!
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alex pfp
Have you used drizzle? Haven’t tried orchid, curious how they compare
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Matthew 🎩 pfp
Matthew 🎩
If you're curious how they compare, it may be biased coming from the creator of Orchid, but sound objective enough to me:
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alex pfp
Wondering more about ergonomics than performance. The point about it being more full featured than drizzle makes sense - I personally prefer the query builder approach, but cool to see more tools like this coming out!
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Matthew 🎩 pfp
Matthew 🎩
You should try it first or at least check the docs to see what it’s capable of. It’s a query builder alright, but on steroids.
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