Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
PSA for future "shock images" Warpcast will nerf folks for explicit images. It's not deterministic, our judgement. This isn't a court. - I'll ask the user to delete the cast - If they don't, I'll nerf on Warpcast To be clear: the cast exists at the protocol. Similar to websites, Google doesn't have to index you.
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chrisb @ farcon pfp
chrisb @ farcon
I find this to be an interesting datapoint about culture. Bluesky had to deal with this within a month (ish) of users having invites. Farcaster made it pretty far with just "stern warnings" from @dwr.eth. (I say this with no knowledge of what the šŸš¾ team is dealing with behind the scenes.)
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Matthew pfp
curious, but not curious enough to find out firsthand... what did Bluesky do?
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Rick pfp
My quest for an access code continues. šŸ”’
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chrisb @ farcon pfp
chrisb @ farcon
I don't know everything they did since I too am not on there much. Two things I saw: some got banned and they added content warnings.
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Caden (is at FarCon) pfp
Caden (is at FarCon)
bsky still allows explicit content, but it's filtered out of the What's Hot feed
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