Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Oh hey I created a prop house thing so anyone (not just @purple) can suggest how @purple should best spend their time and treasure. If you have an opinion about the past few days, write it up and submit so we can all vote on them! 🫡
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
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Matthew pfp
I know I know I don't want to sideswipe, I think this is a good idea but I just think it's worth talking it thru before putting up proposals
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Tbh a prop house is my least desired path, but still necessary. It’s too slow, async means nobody really discusses much, and you can’t parse nearly as much nuance in text But after learning @purple’s systems via FarCon stuff, this seemed the best “current tech” approach to actually hear a lot of voices.
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Matthew pfp
can you say more about what you learned? assuming some people won’t / can’t / will be afraid to speak up on a call and would rather put into writing? if so i agree, but i just think we should talk and try to collectively write at least one of those proposals
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Sure - totally understand diff folks want to communicate differently. Biggest thing is that submitting and getting stuff passed is HARD. Technically, tactically, and emotionally. Processes are spread out and not intuitive to find or use And imo you HAVE to be in DMs winning opinion person to person (at least rn)
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